- Why would anyone go through the trouble of MTI when there are local candidates? Read more-
- There is no charge to the trust or candidate for my help or guidance with MTI.
The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK still commands worldwide respect in being able to provide a uniform standard of evidence based care across the country and is looked at as a place for training and learning. Although service demands have grown, it still provides valuable learning opportunities. However it must be recognized that worldwide opportunities and remuneration have improved. Hence the NHS trust must have realistic expectations from doctors from overseas.
A Trust wants to employ the right candidate for the post and retain the person for as long as is mutually beneficial. In return the candidate expects learning and training opportunities. When posts become pure service posts, the candidate will start looking for training posts.
What are the expectations of the candidate?
- Clearly defined post with training opportunities
- A clearly advertised contact person
- Advice on job expectations, transition
- Salary, school and social life advice
- Frequent contact with candidate via skype
- On calls after 2 months
- Study days at least 6 per year
- Interview in home country
- Paid Accommodation for first 2 months
- single Flight ticket
- gentle induction into NHS
- One month supernumerary period
- Mentor for 6 months
- PAID ALS and IMPACT course
- Accommodation for 6 months
- Fixed program for rotation
- Service to training ratio of 75% to 25%
- Time to attend clinics
- On calls after 4 months
- Job contract within 4 weeks
- Support for bank account
What are the priorities for the Trust?
- The candidate must be safe to look after patients and must work under appropriate supervision
- Cost needs to be rationalized against benefit and locum expenditure
- What level with the candidate fit in?
- When do I know they are ready for oncalls?
- How can I ensure that the candidate stays as long as possible in the trust?
Experience from previous overseas candidates who come in on Tier 2 visa has shown that they stay on average 14 months in the first trust. Finding deanery posts are not difficult and this is the time they take to complete competencies required for deanery posts
The Tier 2 Story – Overseas recruitment experience through a locum introductory agency
Based on 20 candidates over 3 years
- Interview in home country is very motivating for candidate to join
- Average period of 8 months from interview to joining
- First 4 weeks supernumerary with support required
- Cost £12000 extra per candidate (includes 10% introductory fees, immigration skills surcharge)
- Candidate stays on average 14 months in trust
- 20% of candidates have difficulty settling in and need additional period of supervision
- Candidates given sponsorship for 3 year visa Tier 2
The Medical Training initiative
Types of Visas
MTI Application Pack
A Training program that is set up with teaching sessions will attract students from overseas. Remember that opportunities in other parts of the world have improved considerably over the past 20 years and candidates have a choice. They do make a sacrifice by leaving an established career path to come to a new country to work and a series of rehabilitation posts, care of the elderly posts or frequent changes in track will be frustrating for the candidate.
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