
Welcome to the Diabetes and Endocrinology Department at Trafford.


I hope to meet you on Monday morning at 010:00 AM

Venue : Will be on News update page


  • To be covered
    1. Wards Elm, INRU, Stroke unit OAK unit
    2. Case work up as required and to get sign off on the wards
    3. Security badge upgrade to gain access to wards
    4. Trafford WIFI code as noted in students room Code for entry C2468X
    5. Library facilities
    6. Hand hygene and dress code
    7.  Outpatient clinics This presents and opportunity to see patients and do mini case examinations ( eg foot examination)
    8. Lectures on Monday AM and teusday AM
    9. Enhanced case on wednesday 1:30 – 3:30 PM
    10. Ward cases Wednesday 3:30 to 4:30 PM
    11. UPSA blood sugar testing and urine analysis;  Phlebotomy and cannulation on wards; Blood gas interpretation during lecture 3 ( DKA)


Clinical Experience
Clinical Experience

What do you do if Dr. George is on leave on Monday?

I will try and delegate someone , If that is not possible, please go on the wards and join ward rounds

What do you do if a clinic is cancelled?

Please go to the ward and you can do procedures, attend ward rounds or get sign offs

What sign offs can I get?

  • Pharmacy – drug reconciliation/ prescribing
  • Blood glucose testing
  • Urinalysis
  • Venu-puncture/ Canula insertion
  • Phlebotomy
  • Sub cutaneous injection

WIFI at Trafford

Username – student.wifi
Password – Trafford
You will need to adjust your proxy server!!
Here are the complete instructions belowPlease refresh the page if the pdf document does not load

BYOD v2 0 (1)

Clinical Experience


If you are driving the following roads have free parking.

Laburnum Road M41 7WN, Nursery Road, Craig Avenue, Brook road ,Trevor road



  • AG     Dr.   Ajith George      Consultant
  • CA      Dr. Clare Adamson   Hon consultant
  • JD       Jack Dover Registrar in diabetes and Endocrinology


  • DM    Sr. Diane Morrison    
  • NR     Sr. Nuala Rushton     
  • NL       Sr. Natalie Lancaster


  • HW     Helen Whitaker     


  • KHJ      Kerry Hawood Jones 
  • LM        Louise Morris 

Centre Managers

  • AS        Andrea Snell Diabetes center manager
  • BW     Brenda Williams Diabetes center Secretary

Trafford Hospital is located in urmston. If you are driving put the post code for one of the nearby roads for parking. PARKING AT TRAFFORD IS FREE FOR 3 HOURS ONLY.

Trafford Hospital

Moorside Road


M41 5SL

The following roads are likely to have free parking but look for road signs and be considerate of residents Laburnum road, Patterdale Road

  • You will be expected to spend a minimum of
    • 2 ward sessions per week
    • 2 Clinics per week
    • 1 lecture session
    • 1 Ward based consultant/ registrar teaching
    • 2 private study sessions

Monday/ Tuesday

Attending virtual clinics :

You can Join on Zoom and I will discuss cases with you

Wednesday Thursday

Face to face clinics


What is important to me?

  1. Reliability and honesty – I know when you don’t turn up to where you should be, so please let me know if you are going to miss a teaching/ clinic
  2. Critical thinking – being really curious about every aspect of the patient examination and history- question everything analyse everything.
  3. Challenging me – I expect you to question me. Your questions indicate your level of understanding
  4. Good reflections – I hope you will all put down intelligent reflections-
    • What have I learnt?
    • what has surprised me.
    • What have I read?

A Few tips to impress
  1. Digging into the history – patient tells you COPD- Are you convinced?
  2. Reading around cased you see
  3. At least 3 differentials
  4. Sorting the red herrings from the red flags..
Your end of posting assessments
  1. A demonstration of your knowledge – history and examination records
  2. A demonstration of your curiosity – What questions have you asked
  3. A demonstration of your skills – procedures done/observed

You will be assessed based on all the requirements by the university. I look for the above at the time of your assessments.