I want to do medicine but have just finished internship

You are the ideal person we are looking for. However you need some more clinical experience. Although you are buzzing with theoretical knowledge, a bit of application will be ideal at this stage. This will be a good time to work as a non PG in a good medical college, working towards consolidating your knowledge,  acquiring new skills and completing your qualifying examination. Aim on applying next year with the IELTS and the PLAB 1 under your belt. This will not be a setback and will help your career.

Avoid the temptation of taking a year out to prepare for your PG. This is detrimental to your medical skills as experience is as important as knowledge. You will also develop other skills like compassion, empathy, maturity. In the UK a non judgemental approach is essential and try and develop this skill.

The steps are

a) Gather information, and choose your speciality.

b) Continue to work and prepare for your registration examinations ( PLAB or MRCP/ and IELTS.)

c) You will need some money for all expenses and this will be approximately £5000 if single and £8000 if as a family.

d) Do your examinations and consider that there is a waiting list for the exams

e) Attend the interview and set realistic expectations

What if my family want me to get married.?

Don’t put your life on hold for your career. Success is not just measured in how much you have achieved in your career. You may also have to make decisions along with your spouse as your spouse may be in an occupation which makes it difficult to get a job to get a job in the UK.