These are not deanery seats but posts in General Medicine with a speciality interest. Deanery posts are usually reserved for those with UK citizenship, (but there are exceptions). You can start off build up your CV and then decide if you want to take up a training post ( 5 -7 years) .. Yes the UK TRAINING PROGRAMME is very long but less intense compared to the USA.
SB Posted on5:22 PM - 12/03/2016
I have completed fellowship in family Medicine.I’m presently working as an Assistant Medical Officer.Earlier this year, I planned to apply for residency in USA to get recognized post graduate degree in Family Medicine speciality, but for that I need to have family medicine experience in USA which I don’t have. So the chances of getting a residency position are grim.Today he spoke about you and your organization. I appreciate your work.I am interested to apply for post graduate training (MRCGP) in UK.I kindly request you to guide me.
Vinod Posted on12:18 PM - 12/03/2016
I would like to introduce myself as Dr. Vinod I was considering options like Australia
What are my chances of getting a MRCGP residency position in the UK? I Will be grateful for your reply.
Best Regards
Dr.vinod Posted on1:51 PM - 12/03/2016
Thank you for the reply sir.
We IMGs have just one question. Is it worth it. I know that Family Medicine is a well developed speciality in UK. But we also hear that Non EU candidates are ignored. Do GP training post remain vacant like this every year? Any exam needs time and money investment and we have to think very carefully before embarking upon a journey unless we have some hope and support.
Waiting for your reply,
Waiting for your reply