Coming off insulin in Type 2 diabetes
In 2020 I noticed worsening pain in my knee joints and was diagnosed with wear and tear of the joint. I struggled with my pain but found that constant pain was wearing me down. Finally one day I realized that even walking to the shops was an effort and realized that I would have to go with my doctors advice and have surgery. Having taken some time to convince myself about surgery, I was ready to have surgery if it meant that my mobility would improve. I went for my pre operative assessment and was told that I would need advice from cardiology as well. After a few weeks, I was told that I would have to undergo valve replacement due to damage to my heart valve. From being quite healthy a few months ago, I faced major heart surgery and then knee surgery. All this while my mobility declined and I could only walk 200 yards. My weight went up from around 11 stone to about 13stone 6 lb ( (83 kg.)
Goal :
- to lose weight
- To come off insulin if possible
Diabetic medications
- 2020 Gliclazide two tablets per day, insulin 20 units (When 13 stone)
- 2021Now on Gliclazide two tablets Insulin 8 units per day (at 10 stone 10lb)
- 2022 I am now off insulin all together

Eating is a complex process and we eat not only when we feel hungry but also when we feel upset or sad. It provides a reward and we feel happy. I have been told about healthy meals and prided myself on home cooked meal having provided my family with meals for several decades. I believed in balanced meals with carbohydrates, proteins and fats. My husband believes that potatoes should be part of the main meal. Re-evaluating my meals , I realized that I was eating more that I required. Sometimes boredom, and other negative feelings can result in “mindless eating” (Eating food without actually enjoying it)
I have lost weight slowly, My life no longer revolves around food. I feel more positive about control over my body.

I worked out that I had to eat 3 meals per day and to stick to that. This would allow my body to anticipate food and there, I didnt feel sorry for myself. I had to eat things I like, but eat it slowly.
Breakfast My breakfast consisted of branflakes, blueberries, handful of nuts yoghurt a teaspoon of honey. I don’t change my breakfast as I really enjoy this combination and look forward to this every morning, I have taken a picture if the items that are in my breakfast, only small amounts of each.
Lunch My lunch consists of the Ryvita, Edam cheese and ham with an apple,
Drinks I only have one cup of coffee a day and I drink approximately 2 litres of water.
Evening meal Fresh green leaf salad, (Tuna, Chicken, Kebab meat) and a curry with small portion of rice on saturday

What worked for me?
- Acquiring knowledge I started reading around foods, calorie content and portion sizes
- Portion sizes. I realized that if I did not cut down portion sizes, I would not be able to reduce weight. I looked into calorie counting and various books
- Positive attitude – I had to work towards the goal irrespective of days when my scales would disappoint me.
- Do what you can – If it is 200 yards , so be it, I decided I had to walk every day and ensure I did what I could
- Don’t deprive of all the foods that you like. Eat things you like but be conscious of what you eat and enjoy what you eat.