Visa Options
Visa Options are generally a Tier 2 visa (worker visa) or Tier 5 visa ( Training visa). You need to spend some time with this as a lot of factors can influence this choice. Both of them will still require a knowledge of English as certified by IELTS examination or a certification from your employer.
Tier 2 visa is generally for posts which are for jobs which should normally be filled by UK or EU candidates. The home office will want assurance that there are no local graduates for the job. You have very little recompense if you are left with educationally unproductive jobs unless you were misled during your appointment process. If you have written documentation that you are doing a very diffferent post compared to the one that you were promised can you take your employer to the tribunal
Tier 5 on the other hand is a training visa. Most trusts will have to audit the posts, get feedback and the GMC/ Sponsoring body will listen to your complaints attentively. You must have a training element to your visa.
Tier 2 Visa vs Tier 5 Visa
[faq_wd cat_ids=”414,415″ theme=”4464″ category_show_title=”true” faq_like=”true” faq_hits=”true”]More details on Tier 2 Visa
Tier 2 visa is a worker visa which is obtained when an organisation ( NHS Trust) offers employment. Any Organisation can only offer employment if no local candidate ( UK or EU) is suitable for the post. There is a quota set per year for the number of Tier 2 visas offered
Features of a Tier 2 visa
- Employer dependent
- A fixed number issued every year
- Point based system
- Time spent counts towards settlement
UK Government guidance on tier 2 visa Summary
UK Government full guidance on tier 2 visa
[ Tier 2 visa Guidance ]Jobs Under Tier 2 Visa
Junior and Senior clinical Fellow- These are posts that are employer dependent and sponsored by the employer. The GMC will require independent confirmation from the doctor that they are up to the standard expected of a doctor practicing in the United Kingdom. These posts are available as they have been advertised by the trust or deanery and have not been filled by UK or EU candidates.
These posts are created due to requirement and it is entirely up to the trust discretion about what you do during the post. Often these posts are not filled as they are the less desirable tracks. Educational supervision and deanery scrutiny is less. It is very much up to the candidate to ensure that they get training and progress.
At some trusts there are parallel tracks with candidates doing rotations through various posts with educational and clinical supervision very similar to deanery candidates. You will also be eligible for study leave and hold a study leave budget.