Where are you on your journey ?
5 – 6 years post basic training and post-graduation ( MD/ DNB)
You may be in a situation where you have done your post-graduation and wish for some experience abroad. (MD/ DipNB). This gives you a definite advantage and will certainly be an asset to the NHS. You will be able to fit in well with the knowledge you bring, taking on teaching and training roles. This si the RIGHT time to come to the UK. You have the experience that you require to work and learn. You can train other doctors in the UK system, a valuable asset. You will also be able to complete your UK examinations without much difficulty.
What do I do now?
a) consider speciality options
b) ROUTE – PLAB / MRCP examination, gain clinical experience, work on exam related studies
c) TIME PERIOD UK in 12 months time
d) Accumulate capital ( Approximately £8000 required)
e) Post open – Junior clinical fellow / Senior clinical fellow