Overseas Doctor Induction
This is a number of sessions for overseas doctors joining the NHS. Please go through theses sessions prior to arrival. You will still have to do local induction after you join.
Dress Code: You should wear comfortable, clean, smart clothes. You should not wear jeans, tracksuits, leggings, open toed sandals, trainers or high-heeled shoes. Please remember you will be required to be ‘bare below the elbow’ for infection control. If your hair is long, you should tie it back with a plain band. False nails, nail extensions/wraps or nail varnish must not be worn on placement; these can harbour bacteria. Visible body piercing including tongue studs must be removed or covered; an SOS necklace may be worn to indicate the existence of a medical condition but this should be worn inside clothes. Other than small stud earrings no other jewellery is permitted. Fingernails must be kept clean and short. You may be asked to wear protective clothing in certain areas. Special requirements as a result of cultural or religious obligations should comply with health and safety and infection control precautions. Headscarves may be worn but these must be changed daily, be plain (not embellished) and shoulder length only. The wearing of facial veils or burkhas is not permitted. The wearing of turbans is allowed on religious grounds but these must be washed and changed daily.
Confidentiality: During the course of your placement you may have access to information of a confidential nature, in particular information relating to the diagnosis and treatment of patients, individual staff and/or patients records, and details of contract prices and terms. You must under no circumstances disclose any confidential information to any person or make use of the information either during or after the placement. You should not access personal data that your supervisor has not instructed you to access.Failure to follow these conditions, may lead to prosecution should we become involved in a case of litigation instigated by the patient. If you disclose or misuse information we will terminate your placement immediately. In certain circumstances you may also be liable to prosecution under the Data Protection Act 1998.
Health and Safety: You have a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to yourself and to others by your work activities, and are required to comply with our policies in meeting these statutory requirements. Your supervisor will undertake a Local Induction Checklist with you on arrival in placement and will explain this further. A copy of this document is attached for your information.
Criminal Record: Any convictions, cautions or bindovers should be declared.
Raising a Matter of Concern: If you see or hear anything that concerns you, please notify your supervisor in the first instance or contact [email protected] if they are unavailable.
Loss/Damage of Personal Effects: No liability can be accepted for loss or damage to personal property on our premises by burglary, fire, theft, or otherwise