eportfolio and documentation


A big aspect of training in the UK is documentation. You will need to record, case based discussions (CBD), observed and signed off procedures (DOPS), discussions about aspects of history, examination (Minicex). These are a chore, but this portfolio is your evidence to show that you have gone through the UK training process. Every year you will have an annual review to ensure you have progressed satisfactorily against your PDP. (Personal development plan)

Can I apply for Deanery training jobs (NTN)?

Yes you can. When you apply for this , your portfolio will be examined to confirm you have covered the competencies required to reach the levels required for the ST3 post. These will need to be signed off by your educational supervisor.

However when you are on a tier 2 visa, you will be chosen only if ther are no local candidates. In specialities where the demand is low, then you can get a post as soon as you finish MRCP. (eg Care of elderly, Diaebtes and endocrinology, Acute medicine etc). However it may be more challenging to get a National Training Number ( NTN) in cardiology.

What will help me stand  better chance to get these jobs?

  1. Writing a good CV for the NHS
  2. Performing well at interview
  3. Understanding the postgraduate structure and progression
  4. Understanding the NHS and direction
  5. Understanding the challenges of the NHS

I hate all this documentation

The extensive documentation may seem quite pointless to many. A portolio has several advantages.

  1. Clear documentation of what you have achieved in one place

It will be a useful exercise to have all interesting patients, your learning documented in one place. Many students in the past used to do it in different ways (a) creating a log book with just numbers but no descriptions (b) making personal notes which get lost

The portfolio keeps all this in one place and your learning is clearly demonstrable

2. Learning from your errors or significant events

Errors in the past would be swept under the carpet. While some errors cannot be corrected, these serve as powerful learning points to influence future practice. A single adverse event and reflection of its impact is more powerful than days of sitting in clinic.

3. Finding gaps in your training

When your training is in one place, you and your supervisor can review this and put together an action plan (PDP) to correct this. This might also show up strengths and weaknesses you nevery knew about.

4. demonstrating your achievements and skills around the globe

Your portfolio goes with you and can be exported around the world.

How do I make best use of it.

a) do it at regular intervals. This takes some challenge but 30 minutes on Thursday evening ( say 6 – 6.30 PM) to enter details will help more than a number of crash entries before your appraisal

b) Have a good think before you enter. You need entries that help you understand impact rather than describing the event.

c) Put your learning down in realtime and this will serve as revision notes