Professionals Across Borders

 About me :

Ajith Mathew George Batch of 1986

Consultant in Diabetes and endocrinology

Central Manchester Foundation Trust

I set up Professionals Across Borders in 2015 (PAB2U) as a not for profit organisation to help foreign doctors work and gain some experience in different hospitals in the UK. We have gone on two trips to India and UAE to interview and recruit doctors.

Most NHS trusts are finding it difficult to fill junior doctor posts from the homegrown work force.Although these gaps are known about, most trusts are not able to recruit from abroad to fill posts that are mainly service posts but have training elements to it

PAB2U does not charge anything to the doctor or Trust and we help untangle the difficulties in appointing from abroad.

  1. Does the doctor require PLAB or MRCP?   – Not necessary although if you have this it may be an advantage
  2. What about IELTS – This is required and you require a score of 7.5 on the UKVI version of IELTS
  3. What about costs? Coming on the MTI scheme is considerably cheaper ( Initial cost of INR 150,000) ant those on tier 2 visa may need to spend more (INR 400,000)
  4. What about schools and accommodation? This can be challenging when you move, however PAB2U can help with this process.
  5. Do I need to pay you? Not at all.. all resources on this website are free. I do not get paid by any trust or hospital for this project.
What do I need to do?

You need to register on this website as a new unique user. Please email me if you want to find out more.. [email protected]